Thank you so much for visiting our travel blog 🙂 We have lived across the globe – North America, Bangladesh England and New Zealand – and travelled far and wide in 33 countries and five continents.
We love the outdoors, we are very passionate about wildlife conservation, we love travelling (mostly by road and boat), and we enjoy it best with our children! We want to explore the world with them, have them experience the wonders of nature, and learn alongside with them.
Join us as I share our journeys, perhaps offer some insight and information on less trodden destinations, tips on budget travel, travel planning and travel with kids, and hopefully inspire you to live your travel dreams too! You can see our Reviews on recommended accommodations and Tours in places we have travelled.
Please feel free to send me any questions on destinations, recommendations on places and where to stay, how to do family travel without stressing and on a budget. Have a browse of our journeys in Morocco, China, Bangladesh, and road trips with kids in Europe and USA 🙂
“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.”
― Baba Dioum
You have a very interesting blog, Samyia and a beautify family. I love reading your stories and meeting new people through your interviews.
So glad to have found your blog!
Thanks 🙂
Hey, I am happy to discover you blog, Im loking forward to follow you and your familiy on your adventures around the world!
I have enjoyed following your travels.. Wonderful photos… Have a happy day!
Thank you Eileen! I too enjoy reading your blog…have a wonderful day yourself 🙂
Beautiful fam and blog! you should think about visiting the Philippines too 🙂 Safe journeys!
We definitely plant to visit Philippines once we head to Asia end of next year! I loved reading your stories, about your children enjoying life there 🙂
Oh thanks so much! 🙂 If you are in PH by end of the year/early next year, this is perfect. The best weather ever! Would be fun to catch up somewhere around 🙂 Have a great day!
I love that this is your start page. I feel like I can explore anything with you guys. Awesome!
Great to see you enjoying your travel experiences with the family, makes a lot of difference and the kids grow up richer within.
You have a great blog and I love to see that we seem to have many things in common when it comes to travel philosophy: we also travel with children and try to make these experiences sustainable, it’s one of the principles I really want our kids to understand and make their own. Great quote at the end of your post: I didn’t know it but will definitely remember it!
Beautiful welcome to your blog! I’m excited to read more about your adventures.
Great intro page, really inviting to learn more about your family adventures and such a diverse background
Congratulations on your milestone and keep writing. Love reading about your travels 😀
I love the idea of the Weekly Postcard! Neat!
It’s very interesting what you are doing and giving your children the experience of a life time. I read as well that you love wildlife conservation. I guess Africa would be a lovely continent to explore, they are very strong in nature and wildlife conservation. You’ll love it there 🙂